LinkedIn Marketing

TypeOnline Course
DateAug 31, 2016
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What Is LinkedIn and Why Should You Care – Of course you probably know how important social media marketing is in general and chances are you’re already investing time, money and effort into managing your presence on Facebook and Twitter. Or at least you certainly should be if you aren’t already… But LinkedIn? That’s a much smaller social network and most likely you’re thinking that it belongs much lower down on your list of priorities. You might even be asking yourself why LinkedIn marketing specifically deserves an entire book dedicated to it…

Section 1Introduction
Section 2Building Your Profile
Lecture 2Building Your Profile Strategically
Lecture 3Keywords Are King When Building Your Profile
Lecture 4Build Your Company Page
Section 3Network & Connections
Lecture 5Expanding & Utilizing Your Personal Network
Lecture 6Managing Your Network & Connections
Section 4Marketing Yourself & Your Business
Lecture 7Influencer Marketing
Lecture 8Content Marketing
Section 5LinkedIn Premium
Lecture 9LinkedIn Investment
Lecture 10LinkedIn Top Tips