CPA Marketing
TypeOnline Course
DateAug 31, 2016
CPA is a relatively new form of PPC but it is one that is rapidly catching on for obvious reasons. If you want to evolve your current marketing campaign in a way that can only improve your ROI and if you want to get one step ahead of the competition, then this is something you should be learning.
Section 1Introduction
Lecture 1Introduction to CPA Marketing
Lecture 2Basics Of CPA Marketing
Lecture 3CPA VS Other Forms Of Marketing
Section 2Platforms and Networks
Lecture 4Chossing The Right CPA Network
Lecture 5Affiliate Platforms
Lecture 6CPA With Google Or Facebook
Section 3Tips For Creating Effective CPA Ads
Lecture 7The Importance Of Tracking
Lecture 8Creating Your Ad
Lecture 9Creating A Great Landing Page
Section 4Making Money With CPA